Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Venables Victorious!

Its the Mid Season Averages, Ive been handed the Batting averages up to Saturday 15th July 2006, And as a true leader the skipper Ian Venables has a massive 57.3 so far in second is Duncan Pallett on a close 32, then on 29.4 its Dan Pickard,

Other selected averages:
Rory 26.9
Gavin 24.1
Paul 21.7
Lippus 15.5

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Club Update June


After the League started in May we have now played 8 league games, out of these we have won 3 lost 3 and had 2 rained off! We currently sit in 6th Position. Epping Foresters are top with 5 wins and only one loss and Moehill Green are proping up the table without registering a win so far.

Normally now this section will soon be a run down of averages and form however i will post again with that as the skipper has yet to pass this on!!


Also I will run through the games here but again the skipper hasn't posted me the info, however i know that we have played 8 friendlies and not done brilliant, but also not too bad!

The most memorable on for me was June 18th on the card its Boxmoor however they didnt make it so we eneded up playing Hemel 2nd's well...... they kind of lost all our balls! well lippy helped them the number 3 bat (who bats 10 for the 1st's) hit 26 of one of lippies!!! Chasing nearly 300 we lost! But the shot of the day was the goose slapping a four through Mid On! (but bowled next ball!!)


Dont forget the first Friday of every month the bar will be open from 7 and please come up and enjoy a beer or two!


SAT 8th & 22nd
SUN 2nd, 9th, 16th 23rd & 30th

The bar is open, come drink us dry!